Thursday 25 February 2010

Mentoring in the TAOKK way

We at TAOKK (Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Vocational Teacher Education Centre) apply an approach that we call collaborative inquiry learning. It relies on shared expertise and collaborative knowledge building. The theory and the method was developed by Kai Hakkarainen et al (see: ). In practice, our teacher trainees work in small groups and decide for themselves what they want to study more thoroughly. They discuss their reading in groups and finally produce an answer to their research question, which can be in the form of a formal report, or a CD, video, play, whatever they see fit. During their studies they compile a portfolio of what they've learnt. The portfolio is first and foremost a tool for self-reflection (and takes a lot of guidance to succeed) and can be in electronic form as well. We encourage teacher trainees to be creative in showing their learning. Continuous self-assessment, peer-assessment and group assessment are as important as the teacher's assessment of learning outcome.

This is part of teacher trainees' studies. The other part is work based. They learn on the job in their own schools supported by mentors trained by us (9cr + 1-2 days of updating annually). Mentors guide their teacher trainees in planning their teaching practice (including observation and actual teaching), give feedback on their lesson plans, and observe their teaching in class. The assessment is based on the teacher trainee's self-evaluation, the mentor's feedback and evaluation, and a training report that consists of a plan with learning objectives and a record of hours observed and taught, examples of lesson plans, and the teacher trainee's personal theory of practice.

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